Subversion Access

To test the newest versions of LMO you can access a Subversion-Repository. Here is a simple example getting the data with the Freeware TortoiseSVN.

  1. Download TortoiseSVN and install it

    • Go to TortoiseSVN and download the newest version of the program
    • Start the Setup and choose an installation folder
    • Maybe you have to restart your system
  2. Checkout the LMO-Repository

    • Choose a download directory for the files (Maybe you want to create a new one)
    • Right click on mouse and choose SVN Checkout
    • Configure the tool with this parameters:
      Checkout Directory [Pfad zum lokalen Verzeichnis]
    • Click on Ok
    • The files will downloaded automaticly into your folder. Now you have the latest version of LMO
  3. Updating LMO

    • To have all the latest files you don't have to checkout the hole repository all the time. A simple update is able to do it.
    • Go to your LMO folder and click on the right mouse button. Go to SVN update
    • Now you have the latest LMO version in your folder and you can see in the progress window which files were changed.

Use Subversion versions only in testing environments.

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